Eitz Chayim of Dogwood Park

Like our booming West Hempstead community, Eitz Chayim has grown considerably. Our membership has nearly doubled in the last five years and we expect it to continue to grow in the coming years. We are excited to move ahead with an expansion and renovation campaign that will better serve our shul's mission to be a second home for all our members.
When completed, our shul will feature a new social hall, twice the amount of youth space, a new beit midrash and an expanded lobby.
A beautiful new social hall is the centerpiece of our project. Large enough to accommodate 300 guests for a standing-room event or 200 for a sit-down affair, the new social hall will provide our shul with a far more comfortable space for our members' kiddushim, bar and bat mitzvahs and other smachot. Our social hall will also be a sought after simcha venue for the community at large.
The size of our youth program has increased tremendously over the past five years, and we anticipate more growth in the years ahead. This project will double the amount of space for youth groups.
A reconfigured and rebuilt beit midrash will allow us to have a dedicated learning and secondary davening space. As a properly enclosed room, those using the beit midrash will no longer be subject to pass-through traffic and distractions that result from the room serving multiple purposes at once.
Congregants will enter our building on Sprague Avenue through an expanded lobby that will be bathed in natural light. This new two-story lobby will not only provide more gathering space inside, but will also create an impressive approach to the building from the street. The lobby will improve flow throughout the building by giving direct access to the main sanctuary, beit midrash and youth rooms. This new access will also eliminate the need for the walkway within the main sanctuary and allow for additional seating capacity.